Version  14.3    22-May-2024 




   The main purpose of this work is to define a model of the aether within a given description scheme. The description scheme used is considered a matter of free election. This election must only be judged  "a posteriori" by its power to organize in an economic and simple way as much knowledge of the physical world as possible. The description scheme will be the following classical one:

- The space/geometry chosen for the description is the 3-D Euclidean Space.

- The time concept chosen for the description is the Absolute Time.

  Such Space and Time are well defined mathematical concepts that behave according to mathematical  postulates. This does not imply that every material device used in some local context as a clock and that every, so called, rigid bar should always behave classically (i.e. remain constant when compared with standards). It must be considered satisfactory enough if the experimental behavior of such clocks and rigid rods under non standard conditions can be described in a consistent way invoking perhaps other phenomena. With our physical clocks we do not measure Time but a local physical magnitude that we call “time”, in a similar way that other physical magnitudes (e.g. gas pressure, electric current, etc) are measured by the corresponding devices. Time and Space are instead theoretical tools of the description that are not measured in the physical world but defined in the model world.

   It is considered that the goal of adjusting the physical laws to a classic descriptive scheme should not be abandoned since it promises more advantages than the relativistic point of view which adjusts the description scheme to some crude and blind experimental observations. If succeeding to describe the physical world with a 3-D Euclidean metric together with an absolute Time, the models so constructed are easily understood by our minds (used to treat with these kinds of relations in our everyday life). In this case, intuition becomes a powerful tool to suggest new inferences.
  The descriptive point of view defended in this work is the same adopted by the majority of physicists before the arrival of Relativity. It is not ignored that the theory of Relativity became a safety raft when the efforts made at the beginning of the 20th century failed to explain the new experimental facts within the classical description scheme. This work may be considered a call to make one more effort in the old line impelled by two new facts: First, our knowledge of physical phenomena is now greater (quantum mechanics, vacuum fluctuations, existence of a preferred reference frame associated with the dipolar anisotropy of cosmic microwave radiation ...). Second, today's orthodox description of Fundamental Physics is getting lost in an abstract mathematic formalism and seems again unsatisfactory to an increasing number of physicists.


  A very simple aether is postulated. This aether is modeled by an ensemble of moving point entities (aetherinos) that pervade all space. The aetherinos do not collide with themselves. The aetherinos are not considered "material" particles. They have no intrinsic material properties (mass, charge, magnetic moment, spin...) but are responsible for the appearance of these properties in matter, which is made of entities of another kind (elementary particles).
  The model rests on two basic hypothesis concerning the effects of the collisions of the aetherinos with matter.  The first one (see Section 3) is about the velocity change suffered by a material particle collided by an aetherino. The second is about the change suffered by an aetherino when colliding with a material particle. This second hypothesis is needed to deduce the redistribution of aetherinos originated at a material particle. Those redistributions are considered responsible of the fact that matter is a source of forces.
  Any local aether is fully described by its aetherino's velocity distribution. The velocity distribution of an ideally "undisturbed" aether (e.g. the aether at a location sufficiently far away from any matter) will be called the canonical distribution and is an important feature of the model. The canonical distribution is also considered a local concept because it can in principle also change in space and in time. No attempt is made in this version of the work to deduce the exact form of the canonical distribution consistent with the experimental facts. With the help of a plausible "example distribution" and a very simple model of matter it is "shown" nevertheless that many fundamental laws of physics can be "explained" instead of just stated.


  A series of six videos have been uploaded (5-Dec-2019) to YouTube explaining in a more accessible and less mathematical way the main features of the model. The introductory video, with links to the other videos, is at   

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GyljOzwVFg  (english)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3L84_tbIRs    (spanish)


Warning: The browser Mozilla Firefox (that is very good in other respects) is not recommended to view the articles of this work because it does not show correctly many characters of the "Symbol font". The Internet Explorer and the Google Chrome do not present that problem.

Recently updated/revised/new: 

Section 10 Discrete energy levels in the hydrogen atom. (12-Apr-2024 Added a description of the spin of the electron, based in an hypothesis about its internal structure)
(22-5-2024 Added a description of the natural broadening of spectral lines)

Section 11  Defends that the magnetic force is an unnecessary concept from the point of view of Fundamental Physics because all the forces between moving charges can be explained by a unique electrodynamic force that depends on the relative velocity of the interacting charges. (Some quantitative corrections have been made 3-Mar-2024)

Section 3  Concept of force, Newton's laws,... (Charge and inertial mass concepts have now been included also in this section 9-Feb-2024)

Aether drag force suffered by a material particle that moves relative to the local aether. Added (Sep 2023) a proposed very simple experiment.

Reinterpretation of the CMBR as caused by the rotations of the detecting electrons when collided by the aetherinos (May 2023 PDF)


Main papers 

- Section 1 defines some basic concepts and shows, as an example, how the model must describe the Coulomb force between two charges at rest. A defense is made that the aetherinos are the only needed vehicles of forces.

- Section 2 deduces a mathematical expression for the aether drag force suffered by a material particle that moves relative to the local aether.

- Section 3  Analyses the concept of force, Newton's laws, some basic concepts of Kinematics and Mechanics and defines the "floating reference frames" that are the equivalent of the inertial reference frames of mainstream Physics. 

- Section 4  This Section has been removed except for a few comments.

- Section 5 studies some features of the force that a material body, at rest in the local aether, exerts on another distant body that moves relative to the first . This paper is considered obsolete since about the year 2011.

- Section 6 defends a possible explanation of the constancy of the speed of light in reference frames with different speeds relative to the local aether. The thesis is that the light source always emits simultaneously many "lights" spreading out at many speeds but only that of speed c relative to the material detector reproduces the details of the emission. Light is considered a space - time modulation in the aetherino's velocity distribution. The "spread out" space - time propagation of the disturbance resembles more the idea of light as a wave than that of light as a particle (photon). The corpuscular properties of light should then be ascribed only to its emission and absorption by matter and explained by its cooperative / destructive interaction with the wave-type disturbance.

- Section 7 (PDF with revisions Nov-2017) makes a qualitative analysis of the capability of the model to assign transversal properties (polarization) to the aetherino's density modulated "waves" originated at a distant matter.

- Section 8 calculates the angular and temporal aberration of star light. 

- Section 9 (PDF) studies some consequences of the model in the propagation of light across very big distances and proposes how to predict cosmic red shifts (Hubble's law) in a non expanding Universe.

- Section 10 suggests how could be explained the existence of discrete energy levels in the hydrogen atom.

- Section 11  Defends that the magnetic force is an unnecessary concept from the point of view of Fundamental Physics because all the forces between moving charges can be explained by a unique electrodynamic force that depends on the relative velocity of the interacting charges. A deduction is made of the force between two parallel conductors predicted by the aether model. 

- Section 12 (a PDF sketch) Assuming the force between two charged particles proposed by the model, that depends on their relative velocity, it is shown how to predict, within a Galilean description, some experimental facts of relativistic dynamics.  (To be continued)

- Section 14  Model of the electron acting as a detector of light (under construction) (Nov-2018 PDF in English,  revised Apr-2019 PDF in Spanish)

- Section G  Gravitation. A calculus is done of the force between two neutral atoms. This force is  considered a residual effect of the incompletely-balanced electrodynamic forces between their component elementary particles.     PDF        

- Non photonic description of the Compton effect  (PDF).

- Annex A contains a mathematical deduction of the aetherinical force between two distant bodies moving in a general way. Two examples are developed. The first calculates the force on a target particle that moves straight away (or towards) the source particle . The second example deduces an expression of the aetherinical force suffered by a particle P, describing a circular orbit, due to the action of P itself (autoforce). (Now in PDF Oct 2016)

- Annex D studies an example of redistribution in the velocities of the aetherinos when these collide with matter. This redistribution is supposed to be responsible for the fact that matter is a source of forces (i.e. of fields or radiation that are understood along this work as space - time disturbances of the local standard aetherino's velocity distribution). Obsolete. See now redistribution of aetherinos

- Annex D-2 The preceding Annex D studies the redistribution of the velocities of the aetherinos produced by a body that is at rest in the aether. Here, the more general case of the redistribution produced by a body that moves in the aether is studied. A computer program is proposed to analyze such redistribution. P.S. this study of 2005 related with the old Annex D is now (2015+) considered obsolete. 

- Annex M studies the consequences of the microscopically discrete nature of the aetherinical force on the acceleration that it produces on a material particle. (To be revised and completed).

- Annex R  a speculative sketch of how the aether model can interpret the radiation emerging from the electron in some scenarios. The main paradigm is to assume that the electron's redistribution of aetherino speeds is not isotropic but can be assigned a preferred axis. This axis rotates in space under some circumstances. (To be revised and completed).

- Redistribution of aetherino speeds by charged elementary particles. 

- Radiation emitted by electrons (some examples). Qualitative analysis.

  About this work.


- Other  Reinterpretation of the CMBR as caused by the rotations of the detecting electrons when collided by the aetherinos.

- Other  A proposal about the nature of the Neutron.

- Other   Quasars  according to the model.

- Other  computer simulation of addition at a detector of aetherino implemented wave fronts.

- Other  computer simulation of a Bell type experiment with light.

- Other  evaluation of a 2D Le Sage Gravitation force between two bodies (in spanish)

- Other  comments explaining the concept of "time" in the discussion newsgroup sci.physics

- Other  Another way of ordering the integer numbers attending to their prime factors. (Wolfram's Mathematica notebook) (PDF)



This web is under construction. Some sections will be completed and revised gradually. The dates in blue correspond  to the latest upload of significant changes in the given section.

Warning: The browser Mozilla Firefox (that is very good in other respects) is not recommended to view the articles of this work because it does not show correctly many characters of the "Symbol font". The Internet Explorer and the Google Chrome do not present that problem.






